Wednesday, April 22, 2009

dear, sweet relief..

today started off a little shitty. i woke up after oversleeping last night, in a terrible mood. i ate a banana and ran to class because i was running a little late.. in between tap and ballet, i was able to run to american apparel and blow some cash on two really cute outfits (and put another on hold hehe), which was nice, but still didn't cure my mood from earlier. i downed a bottle of water, and took what turned out to be the most grueling, awful ballet class i have ever taken and i felt so crushed. i was sore and tight and grumpy... and it doesn't help that my little hungarian teacher is out to slaughter my soul (i mean.. this actually should make me feel good because her paying attention to me means that she actually cares, but still, it's frustrating). i just felt so off. the day started to get better once i had two more ballet classes and modern. being that today is wednesday, it was free sample day from 5:00-7:00 at the local whole foods market, so my friend and i who go every wednesday are able to make a small and healthy dinner out of free samples (normally this wouldn't be good, except that it's like each department gives out a tiny free sample so you get a little bit of vegetables, fruit, grain, dairy, meat, and even a tiny tiny desert sample). it was sunny while we walked to the market, but ended up pouring down rain in a matter of about 5 minutes. i got home, i relieved myself of some major stressors by registered for all of my classes for next semester and also found out that i officially get to lease the apartment of my dreams! i am so excited.. it is so roomy for me and my two roommates. it has a huge living area, a kitchen, two decent sized bedrooms, one bathroom, TONS of closets (both bedrooms have Sex and the City walk in closets!) and a balcony with a fire escape! we're on the fifteenth floor! i cannot wait to move in. with the exception of the ballet intensive that i go to in july, i honestly wish i could just stay in the city and live there for the summer as opposed to going home. now that me and the boyfriend are no longer together, i really have no reason to go home (i do miss my family.. and my friends a little.. but i love the city so much). i just want to get a job and continue living here. i feel like i have changed so much and i just want to put so much in the past and leave it there. i'm kind of breaking free from the restrictions (not only those that were from the relationship, but everything else that has ever held me back) that i had, back living in the suburbs and going to regular school before college. i always had to "be" a certain way and live up to certain standards enforced upon you by living in rich, preppy, whitebread suburbia. i am changing. but change is good. the weather this week went from gorgeous this weekend to absolutely terrible.. but it is supposed to clear up and be up in the mid 80's over the weekend! i am in need of a good weekend. a good stress relieving weekend where i can take my mind off of everything except for weight loss and the photoshoot on saturday.. and maybe i can have some single lady fun too ;]. something i haven't had in two and a half years..

1 comment:

  1. how are you doing love?
    i havnt heard from you in a while

    i hope everythings wonderful!
    and im sure youre really excited
    to move into that new apartment!
    sex and the city closet here you come! :)
